Sunday, February 8, 2009

Selecting Potential Sponsors

When it comes to selecting which companies to approach, research is crucial and there are no better tools than the internet to identify which companies to approach. You should also try your local library or local Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce will have a list of all local companies and should be happy to share the information with you. You should visit our business search section to find out how to target specific companies.
Always pick companies that are relevant to you and your sport, ie. Don’t approach Tampax if you play for a men’s hockey team!
Find out if the company has ever sponsored anything before and if so, what areas they have been involved in
Find out if not of any of the Company Directors have a specific interest in any one sport. You can find out by searching through their profiles on the company website
Be realistic in your approaches. It might be better to find a local company than a national or multinational with little or no presence in your local community
Ring and ask the company for some information eg. An annual report, brochures, etc. Any background information you can muster about the company – either in print or online - will be of use
Search through websites of local sports clubs – whether football, rugby, cricket, athletics or tennis. Find out whether they have any sponsors and, if so, add them to your target list. These companies have already recognised the value of sponsorship and may be happy to invest further in a ‘local’ athlete
Make sure you don’t approach companies from the same industry sector as any existing sponsors you may already have. For example, if you have a deal with your local VW dealership, do not then approach Mercedes as this is a clear conflict of interest
Start locally in your area, e.g. don’t bother writing to Ford UK unless you are in the top 1% of sports stars. Try local garages first
If you are currently working, your own employer is a good start
Ask friends/relatives where they work and if they have any contacts
Ask in your sports club if anyone has any useful contacts

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